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Professionals in real estate appraisal and studies

A leading Saudi company in real estate appraisal and studies

Professional Appraisals

Professional Appraisals is a Real Estate Evaluation and Studies Company Ltd.; A professional Saudi company that is concerned with providing professional, professional and honest evaluation work and specialized real estate studies, taking into account the ...

Our Services

Real estate feasibility studies

Which includes all the foregoing evaluation of the site and market surveys and a study of the highest and best use and study of the financial engineering of the project by defining the project's r ...

Property Best and Highest use

The importance of highest and best use analyzes is demonstrated, especially for non-residential properties. While in most of the work on evaluating single-family houses, there is no need to analyz ...

Real Estate Appraisal

Specialized real estate appraisals and studies are carried out by collecting a set of information and office and field data and by determining the nature and condition of the real estate asset fol ...

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Real Estate Appraisals


From our valued customers


working hour

Our Achievements

During the period from 2000 AD until now, passing through the period of joining the Saudi Authority for Accredited Residents, during which we prepared dozens of appraisal reports and related real estate studies, such as a higher and better use study, a real estate feasibility study, and survey studies. Since joining the Residents Authority in 2020 until the end of 2021, we have issued nearly (210) reports and studies for (148) real estate sites with a total area of ​​more than (11,000,000) m2 and a value of more than (8,000,000) riyals and a number of hours Field work raised over (14,000) hours We do our best to give each evaluation report or study its right of research, investigation and survey to provide the best possible results.

  • Ratings area
  • Ratings value
  • Study space
  • The value of studies

the vesion

local leadership; by international standards; local privacy; You are trusted and relied upon.

the message

Providing professional real estate appraisal services and studies in accordance with international standards and taking into account the local specificity of place specifications and human needs.

the values

• Workmanship:
We take into account the most accurate details of relationship and impact to reflect reliable results.
• Professional:
Written procedures, review processes, and a declared and enforced quality policy.
• Integrity:
Governance policy, rational management and complete separation of interests and relationships.
• Confidentiality:
Preserving all undeclared information of the client in a way that preserves and achieves privacy

Our Team

team member

The General Manager

Eng. Abdulaziz .M Zamzami

team member

Executive Director

Dr. Fathi Ahmad Al Abbasi

Financial References

The Secretary

sales and marketing

Operations And Quality Management

Inspections And Field Surveys Team

Preparation Team

Legal Affairs

Financial Affairs

Administrative Affairs

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